It’s flooring—and then some. Made for More.
In a world that never sleeps—where information always flows, boundaries blur, transparency reigns and the sound of silence ceases to exist—our instincts prompt us back to nature, with its subtle yet clear cues on how best to live and work. That vital, mysterious link between the nature we observe and this same nature within ourselves is the inspiration behind the Human Nature Collection.
HN 840, 850, Shale, Ashlar; HN830, Pistachio, Herringbone
HN810, HN850, HN840, Shale, Ashlar
HN810, Limestone; HN830, Cobalt, Pattern by Tile
HN820, Slate, Herringbone
HN830, Maize, Cobalt, Clementine
HN820, Shale; HN830, Black; HN840, Shale, Pattern by Tile
HN820, Flint, Ashlar