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We’re ‘all in’ on solving the climate crisis. Learn more

It’s flooring—and then some. Made for More.

Less Carbon in the Atmosphere. More Beauty on Your Floor.

The Interface Embodied Beauty™ carpet tile collection is designed to help restore the health of the world and lower the carbon footprint of your space with style. The collection features a range of beautiful carpet tile designs, including our first-ever carbon negative products in three unique styles: Shishu Stitch™, Tokyo Texture™, and Zen Stitch™.

The collection lives up to its name and shows that the pursuits of beautiful design and sustainability are inseparable. 

Inspired by Nature. Designed to Respect It.

Change your perspective while restoring your space and the world. Taking influence from nature and an appreciation for the integrity of the natural world around us, the Embodied Beauty collection shows that great design doesn't have to compromise on the pursuit of sustainability. The carbon negative carpet tile styles offered are marked with [-CO2].

Backings That Give Back.

We are on a mission to lower the carbon footprint of your space and to do this, we are transforming our global backing systems with the launch of our new CQuest™ backings.

Guided by materials science, we’ve added new thinking and innovative new materials to make backings with a much lower carbon footprint. First, we added new bio-based materials and more recycled content to our backings. Then, we measured how these materials influence the carbon footprint. These new materials, measured on a stand-alone basis, are net carbon negative – reducing our carbon footprint and resulting in carbon negative backings.

Less Is More like Never Before.

Ikigai, a “reason for being,” is a Japanese concept related to well-being and happiness through connection with others and with nature. Ikigai teaches appreciation for simplicity and acceptance of what is impermanent.

Inspired by these principles, Embodied Beauty focuses on bringing new life to the expected. The collection embraces calm, muted greys in warm and cool tones alongside natural colours for added dimension. Simple Sash, Sashiko Stitch, and Vintage Kimono evoke the delicate beauty of antique textiles and make ideal companions for Zen Stitch with its irregular gridded texture. Geisha Gather is a modern, woven graphic that invites you to create your own zen-like patterns. Tokyo Texture and Shishu Stitch take notes from nature with organic texture and soft, subtle striae. Read more about the inspiration for the collection.